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Did you know, every 11 minutes
an American commits suicide?
One Random Act of Kindness at a Time!!
In 2020:
45,979 people died by suicide in the United States.
That is 1 death every 11 minutes by suicide. These facts have drastically increased since 2020.
CDC Facts:
12.2 million adults seriously thought about suicide
3.2 million adults made a plan to commit suicide
1.2 million adults attempted suicide
Suicide Prevention Hotline 800.273.8255
Random Gifts of Kindness
2024-25 Mission of the Nations
Niagara Falls State Park has become one of our favorite locations to visit! It attracts people groups from all over the world. It is amazing how many understand our message of hope regardless of their language, Never Give Up Never Quit!!!!!!
Women of Faith
Empowerment Gathering
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